About Me

My photo
I am Miss Texas International 2011. I was recently crowned in San Antonio, Texas on March 13th, 2011. I also won the Fitness & Interview award. This experience is one of the most exhilirating and amazing accomplishments I have ever achieved. I was born and raised in the great city of Dallas,Texas. My platform is "Preventing Child Obesity" and I have dedicated my reign to educate parents and children about the importance of healthy food choices. Educating children at a young age about the importance of eating right is a significant part of my life; which is why I continue to reach out to new organizations providing new ideas to help prevent child obesity. I am available for appearances,attend special presentations and assist with civic and non-profit oriented projects. To schedule an appearance, contact the State Office, at 210.403.0589 and ask for Kristin Koether, Executive State Director. Inner beauty if a very important part of my beliefs; my favorite quote that reminds me of that everyday is "Beauty cannot be seen or even touched, it must be felt with the heart" Thanks for visiting my page!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tell your Representitive to vote YES for Child Nutrition

This is the moment we have been pushing for! Within the next 24-48 hours, the House of Representatives will vote on the Child Nutrition Act- but the success of the vote is up to us.

For the 30 million kids counting on Congress to make their classrooms and cafeterias healthier, tell your Representative to vote YES!

Passage of the bill would mean significant improvements to the school environment to help establish a foundation for a lifetime of healthy behaviors for our kids, including:

  • Improving the nutritional standards of school meals
  • Removing junk food from cafeterias, snack shops, and vending machines.
  • Establishing a framework to strengthen local wellness policies and include the community in the development and implementation of districts' physical activity and nutrition goals.
We can't afford to let this opportunity pass. The Senate has already passed the Child Nutrition Act, so the House of Representatives' vote is the final hurdle to clear in order to send the bill to President's desk this month.

Please send a quick message right now, urging your Representative to support the passage of this important bill.

Thank you for your quick action! As soon as we know the outcome of the vote, I'll be in touch.

Heart Disease and Stroke. You're the Cure.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Miss Texas International 2011

I have officially accepted the invitation to return to the beautiful San Antonio, Texas and compete again for the crown of Miss Texas International 2011. I will represent Dallas again this year as Miss Dallas Internationl 2011. The competition is March 11, 12 & 13th in the beautiful San Antonio!

I am thoroughly excited to be a part of this amazing group of ladies again and compete to win a new title. I had such an amazing experience in 2009-2010 from the time I received the honor of Miss Dallas 2010 up until placing first runner up at Miss Texas International 2010. I met some of the kindest, smartest, most beautiful ladies in Texas who I still have the privilige to surround myself with from time to time. So many of us Misses & Mrs. have stayed in touch through phone, facebook or even continuing to make appearances together. I could not have asked for a better group of ladies, across the board to have met and built friendships with during that time.

I encourage you all to return and compete again; let's enjoy a fun week and friendly competition. I learned so many areas where I needed to improve to win and welcome the excitement of new and returning competition.

Here's to Miss Texas International 2011!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Senators heard your message: they did the responsible thing for our kids and passed the Child Nutrition Act before adjourning for recess.

But now that Members of Congress are beginning their August Recess, we need to make sure the House of Representatives doesn't fall behind!

Our Representatives need to see that when school and Congress are back in session this fall, millions of kids will be counting on them to take action to make cafeterias and classrooms healthier places.

Hundres of You're the Cure advocates submitted their photos urging Congress to pass the Child Nutrition Act- and now it's time to use the pictures to demonstrate to our Representatives just how important Americans think the health of our children is.

The Child Nutrition Act will give our kids the tools they need to fight childhood obesity at school by strengthening nutrition standards for school meals and expanding opportunities for physical activity.

Thank you for your commitment.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Right now 1 in 3 children in teh United States are considered obese.

The Child Nutrition Act currently being debated in Congress could provide a much needed boost for healtheir school lunch programs and physical education programs to fight childhood obesity.

But Congress is dragging its feet on passing this legislation that would prioritize the health of our kids. We've been telling them enough is enough- now we need to show them.

Will you take a picture of yourself or kids, grandkids or friends holding a sign with a clear message to Congress: "Please give me (or my child or grandchild) healthy options. Pass the Child Nutrition Act"?

Email your picture to amheartadvocacy@yahoo.com
As the cast of the new movie "Standing Ovation" will tell you, dancing is fun- and great exercise!

Standing Ovation is awarding 75 price packages to young people who share how they will be empowered to stay active this summer.
The Grand Prize (first 25 entries) will include:
$40. for you and your family or friends to see the movie (in the form a gift debit card)
One official Soundtrack recording from "Standing Ovation"

The Second Prize (next 50 entries) will include:
One official Soundtrack Recording from "Standing Ovation"

Find out how to enter by visiting www.empowerme2b.org!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Texas Fest 2010-Riverwalk Rendezvous

Texas Fest 2010: Riverwalk Rendezvous

Saturday, May 1 6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
at Eddie Deen's Ranch and Banquet Hall, Dallas TX

Join one of country music's hottest stage performers, Diamond Rio and Me, Miss Dallas International 2010 as we "round up" for a healthier Irving!

Your support will help us reach our $260,000 fundraising goal in 2010. Since 1980, TexasFest has raised more than $5.9 million to raise funds to four Irving Medical Charities.

TexasFest proceeds this year will go to supporting the Foundation as we work toward our mission of encouraging volunteerism and philanthropy to help resotre and promote health in its community.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Quick Action Needed: FIT kids vote in 48 Hours

The Fitness Integrated with Teaching Kids Act is on the move!

In 48 hours, the House of Representatives will vote on the FIT Kids Act, which promotes increased quality physical education (PE) in our nation's schools. Which means.. It's time to act!

URGE your representative to vote YES in support of FIT kids!

Currently only 3.8% of elementary, 7.9% of middle, and 2.1% of high schools provide daily PE0 and shokingly, only 22% of schools do not require students to take any PE at all. But with childhood obesity greatly impacting the health of our nation's kids, we must expect more.

The FIT Kids Act would help us take a step in the right direction by establishing a framework for schools to closely look at the quality and quantity of PE they are providing, and to supply parents with that information to better understand the PE their kids are receiving.

The vote on Wednesday is a critical hurdle in advancing the bill, so we need your quick action today!

Send your email now to let your Representative know you are on his/her support of quality PE

Thank you for stepping up for healthy, active kids!