About Me

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I am Miss Texas International 2011. I was recently crowned in San Antonio, Texas on March 13th, 2011. I also won the Fitness & Interview award. This experience is one of the most exhilirating and amazing accomplishments I have ever achieved. I was born and raised in the great city of Dallas,Texas. My platform is "Preventing Child Obesity" and I have dedicated my reign to educate parents and children about the importance of healthy food choices. Educating children at a young age about the importance of eating right is a significant part of my life; which is why I continue to reach out to new organizations providing new ideas to help prevent child obesity. I am available for appearances,attend special presentations and assist with civic and non-profit oriented projects. To schedule an appearance, contact the State Office, at 210.403.0589 and ask for Kristin Koether, Executive State Director. Inner beauty if a very important part of my beliefs; my favorite quote that reminds me of that everyday is "Beauty cannot be seen or even touched, it must be felt with the heart" Thanks for visiting my page!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Senators heard your message: they did the responsible thing for our kids and passed the Child Nutrition Act before adjourning for recess.

But now that Members of Congress are beginning their August Recess, we need to make sure the House of Representatives doesn't fall behind!

Our Representatives need to see that when school and Congress are back in session this fall, millions of kids will be counting on them to take action to make cafeterias and classrooms healthier places.

Hundres of You're the Cure advocates submitted their photos urging Congress to pass the Child Nutrition Act- and now it's time to use the pictures to demonstrate to our Representatives just how important Americans think the health of our children is.

The Child Nutrition Act will give our kids the tools they need to fight childhood obesity at school by strengthening nutrition standards for school meals and expanding opportunities for physical activity.

Thank you for your commitment.

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